Banks: Are You Able To Multitask? More Than Just A Pretty Image

10.28.16  |  Banks, Digital Signage, General, Video Walls

The term “becoming digital” is now an ambiguous umbrella term referring to staying modern and relevant for customers.  Staying relative to the public is imperative for the retail financial institution.  Yes, many banks believe it is “trendy” to install a few digital screens around the customer floor and waiting area, filling the screens with mere self advertisements for promotional loans and financing for large purchases or new home buyers.

Man choosing banker

The promotional images are typically static, stagnant, and stuffy pictures that the marketing intern created in PowerPoint.  Unknowingly, this intern fills the screen with too much text and wording that only speaks to fellow financial employees.  With this verbal clutter, the true content of the message is quickly forgotten.  It is true that customers tend to recall content they see on digital signage over 90% longer than standard posters, but that digital signage content needs to have the ability to resonate with the individual viewer.  Ensuring the message is received is attainable.  The viewer becomes interested and engaged when digital displays play motion graphics that are eye-catching, entertaining visuals with a simplified message. Remember, the average person’s attention span is now less than 9 seconds. This lowered attention span means that in order for the promotional advertisements to succeed, they need to be short and sweet.

Screens are multi-use tools.  Not only should the digital signage be used for promotional purposes, but as “gateway walls.”  Gateway walls contain motion graphics that direct customers to the correct lines and areas of the financial institutions.  For example, it might alleviate some headache and confusion if there is a directional moving graphic pointing to the savings and loans offices, making a distinct separation of the window teller for quick transactions and more time consuming services. Another way banks have started to use digital screens as a community outreach is by taking advantage of day-parting to advertise local restaurants, hardware shops, real estate agents and hair salons.  Not only does this ensure the motion graphics on the screen stay fresh and new, but it’s also a method of getting ROI for the digital signage system through selling localized ad spots.

Retail banks  need to offer patrons easy access to their personal financial information using strategically placed touch screen kiosks.  Here, much like an ATM window, the customer can see their general financials but also have the ability to see more in-depth information as well.  In addition to their personal information, it would also help to have quick informational motion graphics dispersed throughout the screen, explaining various retirement account options or (re) financing options.  Customers want their information fast and have the ability to access it themselves, thus having a digital touch screen is advantageous.

Becoming digital does not mean simply investing in pretty screens like everyone else. It means using new, preferred methods to get through to your customer using well-choreographed motion graphics with real meaning for the viewer. It means empowering the customer by giving them the ability to educate themselves before they ask a teller or loan officer for help.  Becoming digital is giving the customer the ability to choose by presenting engaging motion graphics to educate them on their choice before they make it.

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